Florida Everglades Boat Dock

Monday, May 10, 2021

 Shameless Self - Promotion 

Published in January 2021

on sale now with Amazon  

The author shares his witty, incisive view of the world in his freewheeling essays from his newspaper columns. He then takes us into the depths and dark side of family life where diverse belief systems: religion, politics, and life styles come into play adding stress and pressurize the family dynamics to the breaking point. He follows with his take on holidays, their origins, and family customs.  A fascinating read into the life of the author, his family, and the struggles we all face in the 21st century. The author is an Arizona native and grew up in South Phoenix and occasionally attended ASU in Tempe. He lives in Mesa, Arizona.

 His first book, The Great Adventure - The Trip, the author writes about his six-month journey across the USA in his 62’ VW bus, in search of fame and fortune. The book is also available on Amazon.


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